Thursday, October 30, 2008

Preschool field trip to Hee-Haw Farms!!!

Kenlees preschool had a field trip to Hee-Haw Farms. Since Lisa and Margo were making their husbands take their girls because they were out of town I thought what a great excuse to send Troy with Kenlee. It was good for the dads to go bond with their little princesses. Of course Kage did not want to be left out so Troy check him out of school so we went with them. They all had a great time. They got to bring home a pumpkin and as you can see Kenlee is so proud of hers.


cucukainia said...

Beautiful blog...if you want to know me, visit:

T said...

That looks like such a fun place! Looks like Troy is having a blast :0) Hope you guys had a great Halloween, and that you will be Wride family of 5 really soon!!!