Friday, July 3, 2009

Hogle Zoo

We went to the Zoo the first part of June. My kids loved. Even Kam thought it was fun. She loved to watch the animals.

Troy, Ken, Kager, Mom, Kam, Aunt Amanda, and Grandma.

Kam loved to watch the Rhino.
Kenlee loved the monkeys.

WOW what a cool dude!!!!!

Lunch time. What a great lunch a Slurpee and nachos!!!

Riding the merry-go-round

Look how Kam measures up to the gorilla!!!

Kage is stretching as hard as he can to see if he is as big as the gorilla!!
Kenlee thinks she is as big as the gorilla!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

So your Amanda reminds me of my neice Amanda that takes care of my kiddos. They both have platinum hair and everything. hilarious.
I miss the zoo, I haven't been this year because I feel like I live so far away now. I really need to go.